Нагадуємо про можливість взяти участь у Навчанні з розвитку лідерства у дерматології. Наводимо лист ЄАДВ:
This is a kind reminder that the deadline is fast approaching. You still have the chance to be one of the 30 chosen physicians, clinicians, and academics to join the first-ever EADV Leadership Development Initiative (ELDI).
The EDLI is a 12-week online course with personal coaching and two face-to-face residencies designed to guide you on a personal journey in emotional intelligence necessary to become a successful leader.
The deadline for applications is 17 July 2019 and the program will start in December 2019 for the first cohort of 30 European dermatologists. APPLY NOW! https://eadv.info/leadership/
We thank you and send you our warm regards,
Carle Paul, EADV President
Alexander Stratigos, EADV President-Elect
Branka Marinovic, Secretary-General